Join us on Sundays
1609 Branch St.
Tallahassee, FL 32303

What should I expect on Sunday?
Q: How long is the service?
Our Sunday service lasts approximately 90 minutes. We begin with some prelude music a few minutes before 10am. The first ‘half’ of our service is centered around readings, a sermon, and prayers; the second ‘half’ is centered around Holy Communion. After service, around 11:30am, coffee and snacks are available for those who would like to stick around and visit together.
Q: Is there child care?
Yes. Nursery is provided for your 0-3 year-olds. We encourage you to check in younger children 5-10 minutes before the service. You are welcome to pick up your child either during the offertory music before Holy Communion or after the end of the service.
We offer Sunday School for your 4 year olds to 5th graders, which begins after the children’s sermon. We have two age groups: Pre-K & Kindergarten, and 1st—5th grade.
The children sing songs, act out Bible stories, and receive engaging teaching geared to their age. Afterwards, they will be brought back into the service during the offertory music to participate in Holy Communion.
Learn more about Children’s Church and our Nursery.
Q: How should I dress?
Simply put, come as you are. We are a diverse church and you will find a diversity of dress. For most people, that tends to be something like jeans and a shirt, whether collared or tee. For others this may be a coat and tie. We believe that it is not about the building or how you dress, but about worshiping God in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24)!
Q: Will I be singled out?
No. We will not ask visitors to stand and be recognized, to give a testimony, or anything like that.
Q: Will I be pressured to give money?
Never. While we encourage our regular members to be generous toward the needs of the poor and the mission of God’s Church, visitors are never asked or expected to give.
Q: Will I meet people that I can relate to?
Incarnation is an intentionally diverse community made up of people of various ages, ethnicities, and social backgrounds. You will likely find many people you can relate to easily, and also be challenged to build new relationships across ethnic, social, and generational boundaries.
Q: What is the music like?
Our music is a mixture of contemporary praise, Black Gospel, multicultural, and classic hymns. We often sing the Psalms. Sometimes we learn songs in other languages as a reminder that we worship the God and Savior of all nations (Revelation 7:9-12).
Q: Are seekers, skeptics, and people of other faiths welcome?
Absolutely. We do not automatically assume that everyone who comes around is on the same page or believes the same things. Incarnation has many visitors and even regulars in the community who are still seeking or who don’t currently identify as Christians. While we are unashamed about our own commitment to Jesus, and we want everyone to know Him, we seek to create a thoughtful environment where people are free to experience, learn, and ask their tough questions.
Q: Will I feel out of place if I’ve never been to a liturgical church?
On the contrary, we hope that it will feel vibrant and inviting! When you come through the front door, you will be warmly greeted and given a service leaflet where everything you need to know is clearly presented. It is our desire for warmth, depth, and joy to pervade the entire service.
For most of our members, Incarnation was their first experience at a liturgical church, but they have come to appreciate the biblical riches, historical depth, and global connection found in the liturgy.
Holy Communion is celebrated weekly and is open to all baptized Christians, regardless of denomination.
If you are curious about the meaning behind any of the things that we do, feel free to ask your neighbor or one of the clergy.
Q: Is Incarnation wheelchair-accessible?
Yes. We have hosted several guests in wheelchairs, including large motorized chairs, and they have been able to access the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and restrooms. Please see our “Accessibility” page in the “Visit” menu for more information.
Q: What languages can Incarnation accommodate?
All our services are in English, but we have members who are fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Mandarin, Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Telugu, Igbo, and American Sign Language (ASL). If one of these is your first language, we can welcome you and explain our services.