
Jon is a passionate preacher of the Gospel who helped to plant Incarnation Tallahassee in 2014. Born in London, he met his wife Sarah at Cambridge University, and together they have two children, Benjamin and Miriam. Jon loves to read, hike, and write music. Request a meeting at


Rev. Peter Lebhar

Church Planting Curate

Peter is an FSU alum and a founding member of Incarnation. A former Team Leader for InterVarsity, he loves helping people engage with Scripture. He also loves fishing, drumming, and aviation. Peter and his wife Naomi, with daughters Esther and Hana, are preparing to plant a new church in Tampa.


Jeremiah Simpson

Pastoral Intern

Jeremiah is a full-time campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and serves Incarnation part-time as pastoral intern with a focus on youth ministry. He is passionate to see young lives transformed by the Word of God.


Rev. Irma daleen


Born in Germany, Irma has served as a Deacon of the Gulf-Atlantic Diocese for 13 years. An experienced prayer warrior and hospice chaplain, Irma now serves Incarnation with pastoral care and prayer leadership. She is married to Paul, and their family has deep roots in Tallahassee.


Rev. DR. Stefanie Kreamer


Also born in Germany, Stefanie grew up in California. As well as working as a family doctor in Quincy, she and her husband Jonathan, are raising her three children and leading a Missional Community. Stefanie also coordinates our Mercy Team. Request help from Mercy Team here:


Jon Nicholson

Director of Music

Jon and his wife Sarah love prayer and worship and seek to enrich the church across Tallahassee with the joy of the Lord. When Jon isn’t leading worship for our Sunday services, he and Sarah are hosting events that bring churches across denominations together in prayer and praise. They have three children.


Michelle phILLIPS

Parish Administrator

Passionate about seeing others helped and healed, Michelle is a mental health and trauma counselor for children, who assists Incarnation Tallahassee with a variety of administrative and financial tasks, coordinating the everyday operations of the church. She and her husband, Scott, serve as active members and leaders in our community.


TingYi/Tina Lu

Communications Coordinator

TingYi/Tina graduated from FSU in 2022 and currently serves as an InterVarsity Campus Staff Minister. She found Incarnation to be a refreshing refuge of worship for herself and her friends during college. Now she is enjoying the chance to extend Incarnation’s ministry online (while relishing opportunities to design fun graphics too!).


Elisha Wisdom


Elisha is an FSU student originally from Indonesia, but more recently, Orlando. Being raised overseas gave him a passion for the global Church and for connecting across cultures. As webmaster, Elisha manages Incarnation’s online content and website (the one you’re looking at right now!). He is also involved in InterVarsity and a campus prayer movement.


Grace Holley

Children’s Ministry Assistant

Grace (left) is a recent FSU graduate and lives out her passion for education as a teacher at a transition program for adults with disabilities. Since volunteering in high school, Grace enjoys any opportunity to experience the kingdom of God through the eyes of children.

Dana Standridge

Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Dana (middle) has been a member of Incarnation since 2019, together with her husband Matt and their four children. She has many years of experience in children's ministry and is thrilled to share the love of Christ with the children of Incarnation!

Sarah Hall

Director of Children’s Instruction

Sarah (right) is an adjunct professor of Hebrew and Hebrew Bible at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and Trinity School for Ministry.  In addition to her academic calling, she has spent over two decades in youth and college ministry. 

The People of Incarnation

We believe in the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9; cf. Exodus 19:6), so the people of Incarnation are highly engaged in the mission. This includes things like leading small groups, visiting prisons, sharing artistic and musical gifts, creative evangelism, serving the poor, and teaching.